Those onion bagels, are repulsive now. I can't stand to even look at them.
My coffee? Yeah I don't think so. I've switched to tea.
Anything I cook, tastes so gross. I don't want to eat anything I ate before I was pregnant. I think I'll stick to cereal and muffins. That seems to be what I am OK with, for now @@
AT LEAST my grades don't stink::pats self on back:: I have to study hard this weekend for a lab exam and do my math homework to get caught up and kick Tom's ass in class ;) We're taking the same math.
It's a 3 day weekend. Oh joy. I'll be ready for the boys to go back to school on Tuesday :)
This past week was so busy. I had my first prenatal, yay! That went well. I like the new doc. So far so good. Their scale says I way more than my mom and my scale. Their scale is a LIAR!!! LOL
I had to do "centers" for Thomas on Tuesday, that was fun. I like working with his class.
I had his Valentine's day party yesterday that I had to attend. It was fun.
We were supposed to hear news on my brother, who is in prison and currently awaiting news from the parole board, but we didn't. That was kind of a bummer :/
Thomas had his dental work done, under general anesthesia, that went good. He can't poop still. I may need to get him some fiber tabs or something. He took a colace and still no poop :( Poor baby. Constipation sucks.
Other than all this, life has been pretty mellow. I'm super tired at the end of the day, and can't wait to get out of this first trimester. I feel greasy and ugly and fat and gross and I just don't like the way I am feeling this time :(
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago