Monday, September 1, 2008

CAKE! and Happy Labor Day...

So I ended up waking David up that night...

We had his cupcakes.

Here is his little cupcake with candles that he blew out :) He is so excited to be three!!!

IT'S FINALLY SEPTEMBER!!!! WOOO HOOOO That means moving is just NOW 18ish days away!!! I'm STOKED!!! I am surrounded by boxes, and while that IS a good thing, it is getting OLD and I can't wait to unpack everything and decorate for Halloween!! I'm really excited to live close to my sister and neice too. That will be nice. I will have SOMEONE to shop with or chat with whenever the mood strikes me :)

Happy Labor Day too, by the way! We are likely to do NOTHING, since saving for moving leaves you completely BROKE and makes you unable to shop even the GREATEST sale! Hope everyone enjoys their unofficial end of summer. My stomach hurts me today, it will likely be a cereal all day kinda day for me. I had Applebees yesterday and don't think my stomach is used to that kinda food. I was so sick last night :( I love "pink bismuth" tablets :)

The boys are up, and eating Chocolate Chip Waffles and white milk per their request. I love Eggo, they make my life a lot easier. I'll take them to the park so they can play and so I can jog again. Jogging releases so much stress for me, it's beautiful and works better than any drug I have ever taken for anxiety. Maybe it's the fresh air?

Hope everyone has an awesome day!!!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Got to love Eggo! When i am lazy in the morning Kayden gets a lego one. :)Have a great day!!!